Herpes actually means to creep upon. Below shows how herpes virus actually ‘creep upon’ your body.
The features of the Herpes virus are very special. When herpes virus infects you, the virus will remain present until there is a reactivation. Reactivation such as stress, or during menstrual period. The virus will hide in the nerves tissue which will cause encephalitis ( acute inflammation of the brain ) and if passed from mother to baby, it can cause brain damage in the child.
The herpes virus genome consists of 3 main points. The concentric virion, linear dsDNA and three origin of replication (ORI).Under concentric virion, we have the inner core, iscosahedral capsid, amorphous tegument and envelope.

Glycoprotein serve to identify and bind to receptor sites on the host’s membrane and the envelope is to help virus enter host cells. This can happen by that when the glycoprotein binds to the receptor sites, the envelope will fuse with the host’s membrane to allow the capsid and genome to enter and infect the host.
Tegument is a cluster of non-essential and essential proteins between the envelope and capsid. It aids in viral replication and usually released after infection into cytoplasm.
A capsid is the protein shell of a virus and encloses the genetic material of the virus.
There are many types of viruses under the family of herpesviridae.
However, only a few viruses are more focused on such as Herpes simplex 1 & 2 virus, Varicella zoster virus, cytomegalovirus and esptein barr virus (EPV).
Under Herpes simplex viruses, there is HSV1 and HSV2. HSV1, which is oral herpes, involves the symptoms such as cold sores which will infect both the face and mouth. HSV2, genital herpes involves blisters, burning sensation and discharge.
The common pox which will occur mostly when we were young, the chickenpox and shingles are under Varicella Zoster virus. Fever, lesion, scarring are the few clinical features of varicella zoster. Varicella zoster is also very dangerous in pregnant women as it can cause the child and the mother to be in danger of getting infected by the Guillan Barre syndrome.The Guillan Barre syndrome is a disease which affects both the brain and the spinal cord, thus exhibiting as paralysis.
Cytomegalovirus infection is associated with salivary glands, urine, and semen and breast milk. It is also known as Human Herpesvirus 5. It is life threatening for patients who are immunocompromised. Some symptoms of this virus are fever, sorethroat and a mild hepatitis.
EBV infection is often asymptomatic and causes glandular fever. Symptoms of the glandular fever are fever, sorethroat and swollen lymph glands. The virus can be found in the nasopharynx and salivary gland.
To avoid Herpes simplex virus and EBV, practically don’t kiss or any risky behaviour. For Varicella Zoster Virus, avoid infected people and for cytomegalovirus, avoid any sexual behaviour or intimate contact.
The lab diagnosis of these viruses are to do a virus culture, a antigen test- EIA( Enzyme Immuno Assay ) and Blood test. The EIA is to detect antibody or antigen in a sample.
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The features of the Herpes virus are very special. When herpes virus infects you, the virus will remain present until there is a reactivation. Reactivation such as stress, or during menstrual period. The virus will hide in the nerves tissue which will cause encephalitis ( acute inflammation of the brain ) and if passed from mother to baby, it can cause brain damage in the child.
The herpes virus genome consists of 3 main points. The concentric virion, linear dsDNA and three origin of replication (ORI).Under concentric virion, we have the inner core, iscosahedral capsid, amorphous tegument and envelope.

Glycoprotein serve to identify and bind to receptor sites on the host’s membrane and the envelope is to help virus enter host cells. This can happen by that when the glycoprotein binds to the receptor sites, the envelope will fuse with the host’s membrane to allow the capsid and genome to enter and infect the host.
Tegument is a cluster of non-essential and essential proteins between the envelope and capsid. It aids in viral replication and usually released after infection into cytoplasm.
A capsid is the protein shell of a virus and encloses the genetic material of the virus.
There are many types of viruses under the family of herpesviridae.
However, only a few viruses are more focused on such as Herpes simplex 1 & 2 virus, Varicella zoster virus, cytomegalovirus and esptein barr virus (EPV).
Under Herpes simplex viruses, there is HSV1 and HSV2. HSV1, which is oral herpes, involves the symptoms such as cold sores which will infect both the face and mouth. HSV2, genital herpes involves blisters, burning sensation and discharge.
The common pox which will occur mostly when we were young, the chickenpox and shingles are under Varicella Zoster virus. Fever, lesion, scarring are the few clinical features of varicella zoster. Varicella zoster is also very dangerous in pregnant women as it can cause the child and the mother to be in danger of getting infected by the Guillan Barre syndrome.The Guillan Barre syndrome is a disease which affects both the brain and the spinal cord, thus exhibiting as paralysis.
Cytomegalovirus infection is associated with salivary glands, urine, and semen and breast milk. It is also known as Human Herpesvirus 5. It is life threatening for patients who are immunocompromised. Some symptoms of this virus are fever, sorethroat and a mild hepatitis.
EBV infection is often asymptomatic and causes glandular fever. Symptoms of the glandular fever are fever, sorethroat and swollen lymph glands. The virus can be found in the nasopharynx and salivary gland.
To avoid Herpes simplex virus and EBV, practically don’t kiss or any risky behaviour. For Varicella Zoster Virus, avoid infected people and for cytomegalovirus, avoid any sexual behaviour or intimate contact.
The lab diagnosis of these viruses are to do a virus culture, a antigen test- EIA( Enzyme Immuno Assay ) and Blood test. The EIA is to detect antibody or antigen in a sample.
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